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FINISHEDPromotion: Miracle Accessory & Packages

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 2021.09.23.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconveniences.


◎ Event


#01. [Don’t Miss This Burning!] Event

[Duration] After maintenance on 2021.09.23 ~ Maintenance on 2021.10.05


- Event Description
1. EXP + 1000% effect is applied when logged in during the event period.

◎ [Don’t Miss This Burning!] Event Time


◎ Promotion


#01. Ticket to Miracle Accessory on Limited Sale

[Duration] After maintenance on 2021.09.23 ~ Maintenance on 2021.10.05

- Ticket to Miracle Accessory
[Price: [5ea] ▶ 10 C]
20% Discount [Price: [50ea] 100 C ▶ 80 C]
30% Discount [Price: [100ea] 200C ▶ 140 C]


 When scanning Ticket to Miracle Accessory, there is a chance to obtain a ticket of higher level
 If no ticket of higher level is obtained, obtain Digicore 1-9ea according to the level of the ticket scanned

e.g.) Scan Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 1] → Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 2] or Digicore 1ea
e.g.) Scan Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 2] → Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 3] or Digicore 2ea

 Maximum level of Ticket to Miracle Accessory that can be obtained is [Level 10].
 Each ticket can be exchanged for the Ring, Necklace, Earring, or Bracelet of the same level by talking to the NPC Magnamon X at DATS Center.

e.g.) Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 1] → Miracle Ring [Level 1] or Miracle Necklace [Level 1] or Miracle Earring [Level 1] or Miracle Bracelet [Level 1]
e.g.) Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 5] → Miracle Ring [Level 5] or Miracle Necklace [Level 5] or Miracle Earring [Level 5] or Miracle Bracelet [Level 5]
e.g.) Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 10] → Miracle Ring [Level 10] or Miracle Necklace [Level 10] or Miracle Earring [Level 10] or Miracle Bracelet [Level 10]

※ Unused Ticket to Miracle Accessory, from [Level 1] to [Level 10], are all deleted 2 weeks after the promotion ends (Maintenance on 2021.10.19). NPC Magnamon X is deleted on the same day as well.

Please use up the items before the deletion date, and be reminded that there will be no compensations or recovery for items deleted in this manner.


#02. Accessory Enchantment Package on Limited Sale

[Duration] After maintenance on 2021.09.23 ~ Maintenance on 2021.10.05

- Accessory Enchantment Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 149 C]
- Option Change Stone 20ea
- Number Change Stone 10ea
- Amazing Digitary Power Stone 5ea
- Amazing Renewal Increase Stone 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea


#03. Amazing Stone Box on Limited Sale

[Duration] After maintenance on 2021.09.23 ~ Maintenance on 2021.10.05

- Amazing Stone Box [Price: [1ea] ▶ 49 C]
- Amazing Renewal Increase Stone 10ea
- Amazing Digitary Power Stone 5ea

That’s all for promotion and events.
Thank you.


◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security Improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup
- Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when moving with Palmon X as the partner Digimon

Thank you!

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  • resnikagnusdei[09-26-2021 00:09]

    6 weeks, 200+ xfactors, 0 AOX...hope u shut down soon :) I'm glad there's people hacking your lame game

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 17:07]

    yo tengo la solución definitiva para todo este problema de las evos pero eso es algo que jamas le diré a gameking es una empresa deficiente sin inteligencia alguna y esto es irrefutable gk jódete

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 17:01]

    si gameking tuviera alguien con mi iq se llenarían los bolsillos y a su ves la gente amarían el juego solo los multimillonarios lo odiarían por que son vanidosos y odian la igualdad es una verdad

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 16:54]

    y jamas nunca nadie usaría hack para este juego pero gameking no sabe usar su cabeza para llenarse los bolsillo equilibrando el juego a la vez para que la tienda este al alcance de todos

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 16:51]

    si el chance fuera del 50% el juego etaria balanceado todos cargarían sin excepción gameking se llenaría los bolsillos en menos de 1 semana y estaría al alcance de los bolsillos de todos los tamer

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 16:47]

    el chance de 0.001% es una estafa los únicos que ganan son los que meten mas de 2000 dolares para un chance del 0.1% 20000 us = 1% 200000 = 10% 2000000 = 100% es el chance real

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 16:41]

    yo juego limpiamente y mi dinero se va la la basura no me quejo de la gente que usa bug o hack es lo menos que se merece gameking con sus robos fraudes y estabas con los items al azar como las lootbox

  • Lombana[09-25-2021 16:38]

    estos gringos y gente ardida me dan pena y vergüenza ajena se quejan de ban a todos lo jugadores que usaron el hack de evos esto era de esperarse ya que gameking solo piensa en su bolsillo y nada

  • avajoey[09-25-2021 10:27]

    Please fix the login bug. I can't even enter the server lobby. It's always disconnect when try to connecting the server

  • karaclee[09-25-2021 08:08]

    Hi, I had certains deconnected today , i won't enter the game play . Can you look and repair this problem please ?

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