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FINISHEDThanks for Making Us Number One on MMOsite!

Hello, this is Digimon Masters.

Greetings to all our Tamers! First of all, we would like to say our thanks to all of you who had participated and voted for Digimon Masters to become “Number One” in 3 Categories of the MMOSite’s 2011 Reader’s Choice Award.

As a sign of deep appreciation, we, the GM’s of Digimon Masters, have prepared a “Special 500% EXP Event” for all of our players to enjoy!

We also know that our players are from different time zones, so we have prepared an event schedule that all of our players could experience and enjoy in this special event.

[500% EXP Schedule]

Date and Time of the Event:
January 20, 2012

01:00 ~ 03:00 Joymax Standard Time
08:00 ~ 10:00 Joymax Standard Time
20:00 ~ 22:00 Joymax Standard Time

January 21, 2012

01:00 ~ 03:00 Joymax Standard Time
08:00 ~ 10:00 Joymax Standard Time
20:00 ~ 22:00 Joymax Standard Time

January 22, 2012

01:00 ~ 03:00 Joymax Standard Time
08:00 ~ 10:00 Joymax Standard Time
20:00 ~ 22:00 Joymax Standard Time

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  • iandbd[01-20-2012 02:29]

    you can put boosters of 500% and nothing problem :D is one idea for you

  • Wglint[01-20-2012 02:26]

    This is super weak. If they gave us the FULL 2 day of 500% exp like they said in the first place their server wouldn''t crash from everyone trying to get on at the same time.

  • bathsua[01-20-2012 02:20]

    I know they fixed the problem (happy that I can play now) with a 300 exp event and an extra 200 exp event, but that isnt the same, because u have to play twice as much then the server who got 500% exp

  • JaggerJackle[01-20-2012 01:59]

    AAhhh this stupid disconnecting is so annoying -.-'' just the same as the droplimit ;(

  • bathsua[01-20-2012 01:58]

    whyyyy cant I play during the exp event!? Its crashing all the time, fix it or give boosters like all the guys are saying here >__< its not fair!

  • omega900[01-20-2012 01:52]

    Hay Guy all say WE want 500% Boosters

  • Yuriy92[01-20-2012 01:51]

    oh cmmon....why its always crash????T__T

  • fsks101[01-20-2012 01:50]

    trust me you wont have a chance to do anything till the event is over

  • NekoKoi[01-20-2012 01:48]

    500% boosters me like this idea... then i don''t have 2 play 3 hours n a row...

  • fmlg[01-20-2012 01:48]

    Please remove the DC problem Im tired of this !!!!!!!!!!!!

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