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FINISHED(Modified) Reinforcement and Exchange datas of your Digimons!

# 01. Try exchange data of Digimon with NPC Richard Sampson
- The System for exchange the Data(Scale, Reinforcement, Evolution Slots) 
 between 2 same type of Digimons is updated.
※ Same type means that both Digimon have a same Digivolve Line.
  Ex) Veemon[ExV-mon] / Veemon[ExV-mon] = Same Type (O)
        Veemon[ExV-mon] / Veemon[Veedramon] = Different Type (X)
1) Exchange Scale Data of Digimon
  - Available to exchange Scale Data between same type of Digimon A and Digimon B
  - The Scale Data of Digimon A and B will be exchanged

  - Ex) Exchange Scale Data of Gabumon A (123cm(83%)) and Gabumon B (140cm(94%)).
 - Result) The Scale will be exchanged to Gabumon A (140cm(94%)), Gabumon B (123cm(83%)).
2) Exchange Reinforcement Data of Digimon
 - Available to exchange Reinforcement Data between same type of Digimon A and Digimon B
  - The Reinforcement Data of Digimon A and B will be exchanged.          
  - Ex) Exchange Reinforcement Data of Gabumon A (AT 5, BL 5, CT 0, EV 0) and
       Gabumon B (AT 0, BL 0, CT 5, EV 5).
  - Result) The Reinforcement Data will be exchanged to Gabumon A (AT 0, BL 0, CT 5, EV 5), 
         Gabumon B (AT 5, BL 5, CT 0, EV 0).
3) Exchange Evolution Slot Data of Digimon
  - Available to exchange Evolution Slot Data between same type of Digimon A and Digimon B.
  - The Evolution Slot Data of Digimon A and Digimon B will be exchanged.
  - Ex) Exchange Evolution Slot Data of Gabumon A(Slot expand until Jogress) 
    and Gabumon B(Slot expand until Champion)
  - Result) The Evolution Slot Data will be exchanged to Gabumon A 
  (Slot expand until Champion)) and Gabumon B (Slot expand until Jogress)

 4) How to exchange Data?
  - Go to NPC Richard Sampson in Dats Center to Exchange Data.
  - Enter to Data Exchange Field and Select the Data that Tamer wants to Exchange.
   (Choose 1 Data among Scale, Reinforcement, and Evolution Slots.)
  - Tamer needs the ‘Data Exchange [Digimon]’ for exchange the Data.
    (Sale in the Cash Shop at further UPDATE.)
 - Tamer needs to hold 2 Digimon for Data Exchange in Mercenary Slot.
 - After select the Data and Enter to Data Exchange Mode, register 2 Digimons for exchange.
  (Click on the right mouse button or Drag to register)
 - Data will be exchanged after click the button ‘Data Exchange’.
5) Other Details
  - Partner Digimon is not available to exchange any Data.
  - The Scales which changed by item effect for a period time(ex. Giant Growth Fruit) 
  is not applicable when Digimon has exchange Data.
  - The Evolve condition could be change depend on Digimon’s Level when 
  exchange the Evolution slot Data between different Levels of Digimon.
  (Evolution Slot has opened but Digimon couldn’t be Evolved.) 

# 02. Data Exchange item is on Sale!
 - Data Exchange [Digimon] is on Sale in Cash Shop.
 - You can have Data Exchange [Digimon] at 20% discounted until Oct 4th.

 - Sale period : After maintenance in Sep 6, 2016 – Before maintenance in Oct 4, 2016

 - Data Exchange [Digimon] x 1ea
 - Price Details : (For GameKing User) 49 Crown, (For Aeria Games User) 490P
 - Sale Details : (For GameKing User) 40 Crown, (For Aeria Games User) 400P

 - Data Exchange [Digimon] x 10 ea
 - Price Details : (For GameKing User) 490 Crown, (For Aeria Games User) 4900P
 - Sale Details : (For GameKing User) 400 Crown, (For Aeria Games User) 4000P

# 03. Birthday Party for Hida Iori! Go to NPC  Armadillomon and get items of Data Exchange!
 - You can obtain [Hida Iori's Birthday Card] randomly from enemy Digimon during the Event Period.
 - You can exchange [Hida Iori's Birthday Card] to some Reward Items 
  from NPC Armadillomon in Dats Center
 - [Hida Iori's Birthday Card] is untradeable.
 - The Reward items from NPC Armadillomon are untradable(Character-bounded).
 - [Hida Iori's Birthday Card] are automatically eliminated when Event has been terminated.
 - NPC Armadillomon leaves Dats Center when Event has been terminated.

[Exchangeable item list of NPC Armadillomon]
 - Mercenary Slot Expansion ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x12,000 ea
 - Growth Fruit ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 9,900 ea
 - Data Exchange [Digimon] ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 9,900 ea
 - Growth Factor [7 Day] ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 1,900 ea
 - Reset Capsule A ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 1,900 ea
 - Hatch Backup ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 1,900 ea
 - Digimon Archive Expansion ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 1,200 ea
 - Growth Factor [1 Day] ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 1,200 ea
 - Mode Selector ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 1,200 ea
 - Evoluter ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 800 ea
 - Option Change Stone ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 800 ea
 - Number Change Stone ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 800 ea 
 - Backup Disk ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 500 ea
 - Inventory Expansion ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 300 ea
 - Warehouse Expansion ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 300 ea
 - Seal Closer ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 200 ea 
 - Seal Opener ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 200 ea
 - Reset Capsule ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 200 ea
 - High Rank Megaphone ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 100 ea
 - Regular Magaphone ; Hida Iori's Birthday Card x 80 ea

# 04. New Mini Game system in Incubator
 - Details : Incubator has a new system that make increase the probability of hatching Digimon.
 ※ You need to pay different cost for each level to play Mini Game.
 ※ You can play Mini Game every insertion of Data and difficulties of Mini Game 
   become more harder when Digiegg’s level has been increased by insertion of Data.
 ※ You have to clear 7 stages to make a letter at once you play Mini Game.
 ※ When you start Mini Game, Probability of hatch start from -4%, +1% will 
   increased when you clear the stage. And Maximum increase of Probability is +4%.
 ※ You can not paly Mini Game when you insert the Data to make Level 4 to Level 5.

# 05. Get Mega Reinforced Digiclone~!
 - We have so many opinion in Dmo.Gameking.com, and we decide to progress one 
  Event again that many Tamers want to join. By your voting and passion, 
  The Event which you can obtain Mega Reinforced Digiclone comes again for you!
 - Defeat enemy Digimon and obtain the Mysterious [Mystery Digiclone Box].
  You can gain [Digiclone D ~ S], [Reinforced Digiclone D ~ S], 
  [Mega Reinforced Digiclone D ~ S] randomly  when you click right button to open it.
 - Unused [Mystery Digiclone Box] are automatically eliminated when Event has been terminated.

[Item list in DigiCube]
  1) Digiclone D
  2) Digiclon C
  3) Digiclon B
  4) Digiclon A
  5) Digiclon S
  6) Reinforced Digiclone D
 7) Reinforced Digiclone C
  8) Reinforced Digiclone B
  9) Reinforced Digiclone A
 10) Reinforced Digiclone S
 11) Mega Reinforced Digiclone D
 12) Mega Reinforced Digiclone C
 13) Mega Reinforced Digiclone B
 14) Mega Reinforced Digiclone A
 15) Mega Reinforced Digiclone S

※ Note : This Event has similar details with Digiclone Event in Oct 2015, 
  but some chance rate of Drop and Scan has been modified.

※ Note2 : All unused Digiclone Boxes will be removed during the maintenance
           on Oct 4

# 06. More Skills! Expansion of Memory Skill Slot!
 - Each Digimon can learn 2 skills (it is expanded 1 slot to 2 slots)
 - But Digimon cannot learn same type of skill more than 1.
   (Ex) You cannot learn Memory Skill (Attack) after you learn Memory Skill (Attack).

※ Event period : Sep 6 ~ Oct 4(Before maintenance)

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  • xrealmknight[09-07-2016 01:42]

    the worst thing is that no one of the GM will see this comments

  • xrealmknight[09-07-2016 01:41]

    really guys -_- less drop chance and even lower scan of rein and mega clons and 12k of those cards guys better gift inventory expansions

  • Drakedz[09-07-2016 01:15]

    i scan 200 Mystery Digiclone Box = only got 3 reinforced and 197 clon normal, best sell box clon :D

  • imperialknightdramon[09-07-2016 00:31]

    Wow those iori's card ammount.. this mean you force us to use illegal program or what?

  • ivald[09-06-2016 23:45]

    I cannot login. the game stops working. This is nonsense -.-''

  • BlackDesta[09-06-2016 23:35]

    Rebalance Omegamon he doesnt get what he deserved

  • rage707[09-06-2016 23:10]

    sooo..., when will Omegamon get his so deserved rebalance?

  • adhamghallab1[09-06-2016 22:25]

    Drop Rate is So Bad GameKing :( The Best Good event Is now the worst :(

  • Gameplayer6593[09-06-2016 21:02]

    No you guys didn't bring back mega clone box you just made box d-s available for all digimon. Dude 200 boxe not one mega, 5 reinforce d, dude you guys playd us good, pathetic.

  • jdizzle1231[09-06-2016 19:13]

    is it just me or are the updates so much harder to make sense of since Gameking took over? i can't make heads or tales of what this is even trying to say in english.

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