FINISHEDHide & Seek with GMs!
[Event Period: 10:30:00 AM Jan 25 ~ Feb 2, 2016 before regular maintenance]
# Hide & Seek with GMs!
Our First GM Event for Tamers who is in-game connected!
Find GM for each server, and visit to Digimon Masters Official Facebook to do “Reply” & “LIKE”
※ GM’s can hide different places every server
※ Event reward is not tradable
※ Event reward will be provided only once for each account
※ Event reward will be provided into Cash Warehouse
※ Event reward will be provided after regular maintenance on Feb 2 was finished
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Add CommentGM Locations: Wind Valley and Frozen Ground Tamer: MrShaka/ Server: Lucemon
GM Locations: Wind Valley and Frozen Ground Tamer: Gikaki / Server: Lucemon
i want launch?
is IMPMON in your different tamer=????? THIS IS AN EVENT???
next question is: what's the partner digimon on my different tamer name? server lucemon gm vmon... so now... 1) who cares? 2) who you are? 3) we've ever lunched in same table to know your partnermon
انا مشعارف اشغل
please help i keep getting this cs message. i just uninstall then install but nothing happen.
why give us mercenary eggs, we want better thing. Maybve a harder event and better rewards like quadcores or mega clone boxes