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FINISHEDAnother 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

Another 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

we are sure that all of you are hoping to have another event Exp. Event,

We, the GM team are pleased to announce that we have prepared 500% EXP event to celebrate last week of March GDM Festival,

Thank you for all the support from all our tamers. Continue to support us as we continue to make improvements for your satisfaction.

This event will be progressed for 2 days from April 14 to 15. Please refer to event detail below.

Event Period:
1. April 14: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

2. April 15: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

Event detail:
All players can gain 500% EXP for event period.

April 17, 2012 Updates:
We would also like announce the release of new awesome Digimon
- Terriermon
- CommanDramon
- Gallantmon Crimson Mode
- Event GMs is being prepared for April 17, 2012

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  • coolbiscuit[04-14-2012 20:28]

    yeah terriermon P: i hope we can easier catch it... -.- because the drop rate is very bad..

  • Laxuso[04-14-2012 19:43]

    if your so bothered about disconnecting then just play on lilithmon and stay there! that server hardly ever crashes :)

  • drunknhermit[04-14-2012 19:01]

    500% xp and 200% xp in between as well as a month of events and free stuff and still hate posts? i loved this event 13 lvls no dc coommoonn papa needs his wargreymon :p

  • boysonicman[04-14-2012 17:23]

    i was disconnected again

  • izukwon[04-14-2012 15:34]

    People should stop posting hate comments and being a r-e-t-a-r-d. Seriously.

  • demat[04-14-2012 10:18]

    i thought it was a bad idea to begin with, and you can ask my guild I called this yesterday.

  • kezitox[04-14-2012 10:10]

    justo estaba jugando con los 500 exp mas y justo de callo el servidoooooor

  • BurningSlash[04-14-2012 10:07]

    Leaviamo estubo down casi todo el evento, ¿Por qué los otros 2 no? No es justo que los jugadores de este servidor no puedan disfrutar el evento, ademas ocurrio lo mismo en el 500% anterior

  • Ryuudai[04-14-2012 10:06]

    damet pls don''t try to deffend this game, they already knew this would happen so why couldn''t they prepare things properly? it''s totally their fault

  • sage1010[04-14-2012 10:05]

    @demat i do agree with you on that but to be honest its annoying and they know its going to happen so they should try to get a perm fix for it

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