# 01. Making Sweets for White Day
- Make your own candies during the event for the day of sweets, White Day.
- Period: After maintenance of 13th Mar 2018 ~ before maintenance of 27th Mar 2018
[Making Candies]
1) You can obtain candy crumbles from monsters of all areas.
2) You can make candies out of candy crumbles through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
3) When you scan the candy, you can obtain other useful items.
[Candy Ingredient List]
- 10 Candy Crumbles -> Bland Candy
- 50 Candy Crumbles -> Candy
- 100 Candy Crumbles -> High-quality Candy
- 500 Candy Crumbles -> Handmade Candy
- 1,000 Candy Crumbles -> Best Handmade Candy
■ You can obtain Mysterious Fruit, Random DATA Box and etc. by scanning Bland Candy.
■ You can obtain Backup Disk, Hatch Backup and etc. by scanning Candy.
■ You can obtain Hatch Backup, Evoluter, Amplification Booster +1,000%,
White Day Coin and etc. by scanning High-quality Candy.
■ You can obtain BM Random Box, Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg,
White Day Coin and etc. by scanning Handmade Candy.
■ You can obtain Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv4, Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5,
Growth Fruit, White Day Coin and etc. by scanning Best Handmade Candy.
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ Event material items will be removed after the event.
# 02. Gather the White Day Coins!
- You can gather White Day Coins and exchange them to various rewards during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 13th Mar 2018 ~ before maintenance of 27th Mar 2018
[Collecting White Day Coins]
- Digitamamon in DATS Center has event daily quests.
- The condition to complete the quest is to provide a candy made by 50 candy crumbles.
- You can exchange White Day Coins for items according to the quantity through Digitamamon.
[White Day Coin Exchange Item List]
- White Day Coin 1ea: Gold Banana 50ea / Jump Booster 10ea / Equipment Lollipop [1 Day]
- White Day Coin 3ea: Fruit of the Goddess 8ea / Evoluter 5ea / Backup Disk 8ea
- White Day Coin 5ea: Random DATA Box Mid Class 8ea / Skill Memory Capsule 2ea /
Equipment Lollipop [7 Days]
- White Day Coin 8ea: Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg / Hatch Backup /
Bokomon's Book of Knowledge
- White Day Coin 10ea: DigiAura [15 Days] / Jogress Evolve Chip [15 Days] /
Equipment Lollipop [15 Days]
- White Day Coin 12ea: Number Change Stone 20ea / Option Change Stone 20ea /
Amplification Booster +1,000% [1 Hour] 12ea
- White Day Coin 14ea: BM Random Box / Growth Fruit / Equipment Lollipop [30 Days]
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ Event material items will be removed after the event.
# 03. Seed of Life
- Period: After maintenance of 13th Mar 2018 ~ before maintenance of 27th Mar 2018
[Finding the Seed of Life]
- You can receive daily quest from event NPC Rosemon in DATS Center.
- [Daily Quest] : Seed of Life I (No Requirements)
- [Daily Quest] : Seed of Life II (Required Tamer Level 80)
- Rosemon requests tamer to defeat evil Digimons in Small Forest Park and Small Forest Trail
and collect seeds of life (4 colors) from them.
- You can enter Small Forest Park through NPC Rosemon, and can reach Small Forest Trail
through the portal in Small Forest Park.
[Event Location]
- Event takes place in Small Forest Park, Small Forest Trail
(Fatigue rises faster than general field maps.)
- You can obtain [Seed of Life] by certain chance when you defeat the evil Digimons of this place.
- When you use the [Seed of Life] (right-click to use), you can randomly obtain one among red, blue,
yellow, or green seed of life.
- You can complete the daily quest by collecting all 4 colored seeds.
[Seed of Life I] Daily Quest Reward - [Box of Life]
- Randomly obtain 1 among the Item List below.
Box of Life Items Quantity
Chicken Combo [Event] 10~20
Random DATA Box [Event] 2
Fruit of the Goddess [Event] 3
Evoluter [Event] 1
DigiAura Box [1 Hour] [Event] 1
Miracle Jewel Box 3
Backup Disk [Event] 1
Hatch Backup [Event] 1
Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg - Alpha [Event] 1
Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg - Beta [Event] 1
Tamer Exchange Item [Savers] [Event] 1
Skill Memory Random Box 1
[Seed of Life II] Daily Quest Reward - [Advanced Box of Life]
- Randomly obtain 1 among the Item List below.
Advanced Box of Life Items Quantity
Chicken Combo [Event] 20~30
Random DATA Box [Event] 3
Fruit of the Goddess [Event] 5
DigiAura Box [1 Hour] [Event] 2
Miracle Jewel Box 5
Backup Disk [Event] 1
Hatch Backup [Event] 1
Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg - Alpha [Event] 1
Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg - Beta [Event] 1
Option Change Stone [Event] 1
Number Change Stone [Event] 1
Random Reinforced DigiClone Box [D ~S] [Event] 1
- The Red, Blue, Yellow, Green Seed of Life can also be used for crafting event items.
[Event Crafts] - Digitamamon [DATS Center]
[Craft 1] - Stamina Drink [HP] 1ea
ㆍCrafting Fee: 30M
ㆍIngredients: Red Seed of Life 5ea, Green Seed of Life 2ea
[Craft 2] - Stamina Drink [DS] 1ea
ㆍCrafting Fee: 30M
ㆍIngredients: Blue Seed of Life 5ea, Green Seed of Life 2ea
[Craft 3] - Energy Pill [Event] 1ea
ㆍCrafting Fee: 50M
ㆍIngredients: Yellow Seed of Life 10ea, Green Seed of Life 3ea
※ Event material items will be removed after the event.
# 04. Spring's Magic
- Period: After maintenance of 13th Mar 2018 ~ before maintenance of 27th Mar 2018
- You can obtain item [Spring's Magic] by certain chance when you defeat evil monsters of
all area (except Infinite Ice Wall).
- You can craft various reward items with [Spring's Magic] through Digitamamon
in DATS Center
[Spring's Magic Craft Item List]
- Amplification Booster +50% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 5ea required
- Amplification Booster +100% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 10ea required
- Amplification Booster +200% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 20ea required
- Amplification Booster +300% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 30ea required
- Amplification Booster +1000% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 99ea required
- Plugin Card [AT]+10% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 15ea required
- Plugin Card [AT]+20% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 25ea required
- Plugin Card [AT]+30% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 35ea required
- Plugin Card [AT]+50% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 55ea required
- Plugin Card [DE]+10% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 9ea required
- Plugin Card [DE]+20% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 19ea required
- Plugin Card [DE]+30% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 29ea required
- Plugin Card [DE]+50% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 49ea required
- Plugin Card [HPMax]+10% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 10ea required
- Plugin Card [HPMax]+20% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 20ea required
- Plugin Card [HPMax]+30% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 30ea required
- Plugin Card [HPMax]+50% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 50ea required
- Plugin Card [DSMax]+10% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 10ea required
- Plugin Card [DSMax]+20% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 20ea required
- Plugin Card [DSMax]+30% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 30ea required
- Plugin Card [DSMax]+50% [Event] 1ea = [Spring's Magic] 50ea required
※ All event items cannot be traded.
※ The effect of event [Plugin Card] item lasts for 10 minutes.
※ Event crafting item list will be removed after the event.
※ Event material items will be removed after the event.
# 05. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited
[About the Attendance Check]
- You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
- Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
- When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and
you'll restart from the first.
- Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
- The rewards are character bound.
[Attendance Check Rewards]
# 06. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!
- Period: After maintenance of 13th Mar 2018 ~ before maintenance of 26th Mar 2018
- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days,
or they'll be expired.
- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea
- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea
- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.
# 07. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!
- Burning time will be applied 2 times a day to boost your EXP gaining!
- Period: Unlimited
(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).
※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with
the normal EXP boost.
# 01. PyeongChang Olympics Consequences Discount (Extended)
- As promised in the previous promotion announcement, price of the items in Cash Shop will be
discounted regarding to final rank of the Olympics host (South Korea).
- Event has been extended due to delay of the event "Crown for You".
- Period: After maintenance of 27th Feb 2018 ~ before maintenance of 20th Mar 2018
(1) Discount of Items
- Items of all categories are on 40% discount
- However, the discount is not applied to items under the price of 10 Crown ($1 for Steam).
※ Winter Costume of limited sales are excluded from discount as they are already bound to
another promotion.
※ We apologize that Seraphimon Server is excluded from the discount event.
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Add Commentdon't receive my crowns Tamer:!Epic[Deku]! Server:Lucemon
Don't receive my crowns Tamer: VanesaVolcan server: Lucemon
wtf received only 10 crowns in my account, Nick:Juleska/Lilithmon plx fix bug
you maybe not read comments here and know this already but portal failure it says when i try to do seed of life event
Hi, I just received 10 Crown and logged in correctly.Tamer: TomedaBR. Server: Leviamon
i not received my crowns, tamer: RenanStark Server: Omegamon
I not received 100 crowns just 10 crowns, but I've logged all the days, please fix it Tamer: LuizFBR Server: Leviamon
I have not received my crowns, tamer: HugoRiveros server: Lucemon
i logged many days and get 0 crow, check it please
Eu não ganhei nenhuma coroa sendo que joguei todos os dias durante o evento publiquem alguma coisa explicando o pq ficaram sem já que vi q foram várias pessoas além de mim que ficaram sem