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FINISHEDResolution Revolution!

Resolution Revolution

A Time to celebrate and Give Thanks!

We the GM’s would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of our players and as the year comes to an end don’t look back at yesterday's disappointment. Look ahead at the Digital Horizon to the promises yet to unfold.

We desire an exciting and fun future for all of our players; this is the time of the year that everyone can voice out a New Year greetings, Resolutions, Expectations, and Suggestions and Feedbacks.

Event Schedule: (December 30, 2014 to January 27, 2015)

Week 1:


Week 1: New year’s Greetings

Example: Happy New year to all tamers in Digi-world and to all the GMs.

Week 2: New year’s resolution

Example: I won’t be using bot program anymore.

Week 3: Expectations on the game for the year 2015


I’m expecting a lot of new good updates this year and better event rewards this year.

Week 4: Suggestions and Feedback on the game

Example: I want to suggest more GM presence and cool events this year



1. This event will run for 4 weeks and divided into 4 categories.

2. In each category players need to use a “Megaphone” to shout their message.

3. A GM will announce in-game telling everyone that the event is about to start and will tell the players to read and understand the mechanics of the game that is posted in the website.

Note: The event will start after 2 minutes after in-game announcement.

4. After 2 Minutes A GM will then make an in-game announcement telling everyone that it is time to shout their messages

5. And for 10 Minutes GM’s will then monitor the Shout box and will take a screenshot of those who are participating in the event.

6. GM’s will then review the screenshots and will be choosing the 1 best message to win a special prize and 4 messages for consolation prize.

7. After choosing the winners, GMs will announce their tamer name in-game and will personally trade the prize with the tamer and greet them a happy new year.

Note: A GM will invite the winner on a party so players should open the party invite and should not be on a party within the event execution.

8. After providing all of the rewards a GM will shout inviting everyone on a particular map for a Fireworks display and summon monsters to celebrate New Year.

Note: Monster that will be summoned are Devimon or Kemiramon.



1 Best message and 4 Good messages (total of 5 winners per event execution)

Event Rewards:

Best Message:

1x Mystery Random mercenary Digiegg Level 4

1x7 Days DigiAura

100pcs Chicken Combo

10pcs 1000% EXP booster

Consolation Prize:

1 Day DigiAura

30pcs Chicken Combo

3pcs 1000% EXP Booster

Note: All rewards are bounded.

Prize Provision:

After Event execution

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