Hello this is the GM team.
Now that you had made your vote on the poll the question entitled “What is the most in need to Priorities for update?” it is now time to explain your vote by commenting into this notice.
Tamers who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will be rewarded and we will try to implement it on the system and service advancement.
Gift: mystery reinforced mercenary DigiEgg
Number of winners: 20 Lucky winners
Event Period: July 20 ~ 27, 2012
Winner list: Will be announced one week after poll closing.
Item provision: Will be next weekly server inspection from the winner list posting date
- Only those players who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will qualify for random draw.
- Once the winners have been chosen it is final.
Thank you
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Add Commentand one other thing I suggest, is to make evoluters easyer to obtain. Maybe make them as a super rare drop and/or make them only worth 10 digicores in the digicore shop.
thats when you can apply the chance/risk factor of the incubator for those who are hatching an egg found in the game from wild digimon or obtained vai a quest.
changed so that players who have the minimum amount of data required for an egg can hatch the egg. but for those who want a stronger/bigger digimon,
changed so that players who have the minimum amount of data required for an egg can hatch the egg. but for those who want a stronger/bigger digimon,
data for said egg then end up lossing the egg due to the spinner on the incubator drives them crazy. Even to the point of not wanting another digimon in the game. What I suggest, is that it should be
data for said egg then end up lossing the egg due to the spinner on the incubator drives them crazy. Even to the point of not wanting another digimon in the game. What I suggest, is that it should be
In my honest oppion, I believe that the way we hatch digimon in Digimon Masters Online needs to be changed. If you think about, alot of people who get a hatchable digi egg and take the time to get the
I believe it is the PvP system, because as tamers we love training our digimon and making them strong, so with the PvP system we could test how strong we are. PvP is also a nice break from grinding.
my opinion is about fixing bug,sometime digimon stuck cant be hit,and then sometime one map is freeze or you can say all people cant do anything and at loading page sometime crash,so must relogin...
my opinion is about fixing bug,sometime digimon stuck cant be hit,and then sometime one map is freeze or you can say all people cant do anything and at loading page sometime crash,so must relogin...