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FINISHEDBuy New Digimon, Get 1 piece of Rope

Hello, this is Digimon Masters.

Greetings Tamers!

Good news! To all Armadillionmon and Doggymon fans out there, for every DigiEgg that you will purchase on the said Digimon you will get “1 piece” of “Rope” that you can use to exchange fantastic reward items at the DATS N.P.C.

Event period: 5th of June ~ 19th of June

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  • empaaa[06-10-2012 16:25]

    I can not go into sever Lucemon why?? what bugs? please e-mail the information to me riduwanfahmi@ymail.com thanks ....

  • empaaa[06-10-2012 16:23]

    can not go into sever Lucemon why?? what bugs? please e-mail the information to me riduwanfahmi@ymail.com thanks ....

  • empaaa[06-10-2012 16:21]

    I can not get into the server Lucemon why??

  • empaaa[06-10-2012 16:20]


  • epicmaster5[06-10-2012 03:55]

    why does it say they have ex v-mon but its not in the shop

  • Alextheman1234[06-09-2012 23:17]

    please make an dexmon alphamon and imperildramon palidn

  • Protodramon[06-09-2012 04:55]

    I just noticed that my notice for getting Partnermon to level 41 is gone and i can''t get my rewards now. Can someone please explain?

  • Protodramon[06-09-2012 04:52]

    It''s Seraphimon (Patamon at mega) and Ophanimon (Salamon at mega)

  • jamramzam[06-08-2012 15:42]

    who are the holy couple cause i have salamon and patamon

  • Agent306[06-08-2012 14:09]

    agreed @Nightsoflove And please add patamon to the rope list please.. Really need him badly to complete the holy couple lol :P

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