FINISHEDWinners of Mega Partner Screenshot Event!
Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Mega Partner Screenshot Event", congratulations to all of the winners.
Prize: Mystery reinforced DigiEgg (1x)
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nick Name | Partner Digimon |
Wolfira | JetPackWolf |
JothaKun | DJTh3Man |
Shopers | AguXoe |
TwiddleDee17 | xXvIIx |
nyiex | BURUNGDEWA |
creativety0 | Abiao |
daisuke07 | hanzo |
zehir31312 | RAVEMON |
Taka1223 | Chronicle |
bucarkimin | Agumon |
Dendran | KaaN |
IamUrbody | EuphoriA |
dogiyyy | Dragamon |
Blake98 | BLAZE |
LiitLiit | BraveHeart |
Verxial | Bahamut |
IoriYagami99 | Kasumi |
bolangs | MyHero |
ZioBee | Zion |
GOLDthunderstyle | animation |
Pipenho | Dino |
ndoeee | AnakMedan |
AmoeStory | Halona |
loryca | liliace |
DarkGuay | RaveFlow |
pepegutty | GaoxDrey |
JulitoStifler | Shenlong |
JeriNeneri | Ingham |
DemOnKSs | RavenX |
heavybullets | VaruS |
conderic18 | Igneel |
JavieerPeolaa | Pichon |
Aksheed | Agu |
weijhonn | aGUmOn |
Razarx | ShadowCross |
BlazingVolt646 | Haku |
GaoHazard | Prometheus |
fandy12 | Kurokoci |
EmultionZz | JuniorZ |
BitVulpes | Apastron |
RinHikaru | AgumonX |
BrawlerZackz | GreyX |
Infinitual | Sazh |
ShadowMaster000 | FireX |
gendonez | Gololo |
MyFutureDreams | ExAgumon |
EliteWarriors | LazyBird |
xxSpeckixx | Wings |
lawlli | Raven |
pearl67 | Falco |
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Add CommentWhy i dont winn? if me is the 3# post...
and me? iam number post 26 .-. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got the mega partner in the 1st 5hrs of the new server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(barbamon) then why i didnt won???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone post #25 SS but no write "New Server Event", why she win?? it''s no fair.
omg.. why i''m lose? im post at #44 T_T @_@ T_T