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FINISHEDWinners of Mega Partner Screenshot Event!

Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Mega Partner Screenshot Event", congratulations to all of the winners.
Prize: Mystery reinforced DigiEgg (1x)
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection


Nick Name Partner Digimon
Wolfira JetPackWolf
JothaKun DJTh3Man
Shopers AguXoe
TwiddleDee17 xXvIIx
creativety0 Abiao
daisuke07 hanzo
zehir31312 RAVEMON
Taka1223 Chronicle
bucarkimin Agumon
Dendran KaaN
IamUrbody EuphoriA
dogiyyy Dragamon
Blake98 BLAZE
LiitLiit BraveHeart
Verxial Bahamut
IoriYagami99 Kasumi
bolangs MyHero
ZioBee Zion
GOLDthunderstyle animation
Pipenho Dino
ndoeee AnakMedan
AmoeStory Halona
loryca liliace
DarkGuay RaveFlow
pepegutty GaoxDrey
JulitoStifler Shenlong
JeriNeneri Ingham
DemOnKSs RavenX
heavybullets VaruS
conderic18 Igneel
JavieerPeolaa Pichon
Aksheed Agu
weijhonn aGUmOn
Razarx ShadowCross
BlazingVolt646 Haku
GaoHazard Prometheus
fandy12 Kurokoci
EmultionZz JuniorZ
BitVulpes Apastron
RinHikaru AgumonX
BrawlerZackz GreyX
Infinitual Sazh
ShadowMaster000 FireX
gendonez Gololo
MyFutureDreams ExAgumon
EliteWarriors LazyBird
xxSpeckixx Wings
lawlli Raven
pearl67 Falco

comments 15


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  • spacetime2062[05-22-2012 22:07]

    Why i dont winn? if me is the 3# post...

  • InuYou[05-22-2012 21:57]

    and me? iam number post 26 .-. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ice2236[05-22-2012 21:43]

    OMGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got the mega partner in the 1st 5hrs of the new server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(barbamon) then why i didnt won???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • skyprincedarkz[05-22-2012 21:40]

    someone post #25 SS but no write "New Server Event", why she win?? it''s no fair.

  • skyprincedarkz[05-22-2012 21:36]

    omg.. why i''m lose? im post at #44 T_T @_@ T_T

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