Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Upload your unique level-up tips", congratulations to all of the winners.
GMs Special Gift (1 Winner)
Prize: 1 Kudamon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg and 10 pcs Evoluters
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname: Darmz
The Level up Tip of the Grand Winner will be posted at our website next week after server Inspection
Gift of Gratitude (50 Selected Winners)
Prize: Mystery Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname |
Nosckid |
JatXas |
Omni21 |
RandyArga |
greenmage108 |
niks21 |
Alreadyinusee |
boonaun93 |
Bekleding |
andrewlambesis |
CeciliaCrescent |
k3ff0 |
yobelI |
WilNLusi |
pedopandabear |
cbita95 |
niwre242 |
fumundamaballz |
cheffe615 |
CerebRuZ |
sullenclown1988 |
demat |
Czarovelt |
CookieMonster1193 |
JooeeeT |
gastarii |
GusAgus |
Amenenza |
KonTLoE |
Ryuzin |
codei |
GwenRyuunami |
ukiii |
Deinocheirus |
Ainnalim |
gazeking |
rgsantos |
DensetsuNoChangeman |
TobiGuy |
ryo5713 |
KyuubiBroly |
Rhonder |
DuoMaximilian |
SyncDae |
mezuki |
XxProdigyxxX |
Lhogan |
Dannzar |
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Add CommentPurple your right he obviously didnt, the point of the entire event was to have a unique tip not a repeat of the same thing everyone else said. the people who should have won this event are those who
I would like to believe that joy.max read through each and ever single tip... If they did not then this was not a contest but a heartless way to hurt people who spent 3+ hours on their tips feelings.
This wasn''t above "Tips"? Why the winners were "Guides"? If this event is above make a "Guide" please tell us and dont cheat us. So in the end the event was Win.ners of Level UP Guides!...
the best joymax
wow Darmz post in #577 page 58 ? lol maybe he''''s just copy and paste ,, nice job Alreadyinusee..... i look Darmz post in page 58 and he''s post not Unique Level UP Tips ,, you can see it ,, just GUIDE
the guy who won basically posted the same thing i did, with a few exceptions of what..an inventory bag and a fatigue bar?! i see how that''s fair....not. i added things he didn''t too.
I agree with you blacksweater this joke . lol
Alreadyinusee, one thing i know? you dont have the power to decide who won so accept it.. thanks JOYMAX for this..cant wait till next week.. :)
I''m from LILITHMON.. :) thanks guys! :)