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FINISHEDAnother 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

Another 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

we are sure that all of you are hoping to have another event Exp. Event,

We, the GM team are pleased to announce that we have prepared 500% EXP event to celebrate last week of March GDM Festival,

Thank you for all the support from all our tamers. Continue to support us as we continue to make improvements for your satisfaction.

This event will be progressed for 2 days from April 14 to 15. Please refer to event detail below.

Event Period:
1. April 14: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

2. April 15: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

Event detail:
All players can gain 500% EXP for event period.

April 17, 2012 Updates:
We would also like announce the release of new awesome Digimon
- Terriermon
- CommanDramon
- Gallantmon Crimson Mode
- Event GMs is being prepared for April 17, 2012

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  • pheinix[04-16-2012 05:40]

    i agree with every comment i heard but why not just give every tamer a 200 silk bonus for playing and particepating and also give everyone 500% exp boosters. Thanks for the worse event.

  • bertozaur[04-16-2012 00:05]

    Rather then compensating with money or silk, how about just make 500% boosters? And commerate events by handing out 5 lasting an hour each. Less server crash and people can use them whenever.

  • Izanagi18[04-15-2012 20:05]

    it''s impossible for them to provide silk. Just a mercenary digiegg or 500M would suffice, yes?

  • kiskisan2DmaX[04-15-2012 19:35]

    give us 100 silk instead of the 500% im sorry

  • jasonthebeast[04-15-2012 14:46]

    I agree with everyone else y''all should at least give us something for all that or least keep it going next weekend and limit the amount of players to get on but mainly y''all should give us 100 silk

  • ShinyVictini[04-15-2012 10:33]

    These events partly ruin this game and Joymax doesn''t care. All I can say is shame on Joymax... They don''t care about their users....

  • ShinyVictini[04-15-2012 10:31]

    JoyMax should make up for this outrage! They should provide 500% EXP boosters and 100 silk to all current players of the game! However, I know they will not because they do not seem to care about it

  • frozenflame96[04-15-2012 09:32]

    joymax failed a year ago and there still keeping up their reputation thanks for giving us terrible events to make our gaming experience even better >.>

  • roque5000[04-15-2012 08:09]

    You should give 500% boosters and more time to lvl the digimons to reach the lvl 65 cause a lot of people like me were surelly counting on the 500% event. PS: WORSE EXP EVENT I EVER HAD!!!

  • Magicbearer[04-15-2012 08:01]

    I was counting on the 500% experience to level my Falcomon to 65 and receive the prizes. Didn''t sleep well one ninght to get the bonus. Now... all that effort went down the drain. THANKS, JoyMinus!

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