FINISHEDItem Discount Event
Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Due to the players request for another discount on some items in the item mall, Digimon Masters is having another discount on selected items.
Sale Period: February 7 ~ 14 2012 (1 Week)
[Selected items that are on sale]
Digimon & Tamer Name Change Ticket 50% Discount
- Tamer Name Change Ticket 90silk → 45silk(50%↓)
- Digimon Name Change Ticket 30silk → 15silk(50%↓)
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Add Commentevemte evoluter please
evoluter event please!
These items shouldn''t even be discounted, this is what the price should have been to begin with!
What the hell is that promo? +1 WE WANT EVO Discount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
next month discount: ACCELERATORS.....
What the hell is that promo? I can see millions of players buying that X_x
Great itens for discount (that FYI was sarcasm) do daily discounts like in kdmo each day this month we have some item in cash shop getting discounts, itens like this ppl don''t buy
wow lol good thing lol thats dont work is better discount the evos if you wanna earn money or ex-vmon and veedramon
I actually am really glad for this thank you!
I love how you cater to your fans requests....Oh wait you don''t...Mercenary eggs get destroyed 97.967% of the time on first input. And now for the discount you use useless ingame items. Man sooo good.