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FINISHEDArena Season 3 and Summer Events




#01. Arena Season 3

[What's New?]

  • New opponents have been revealed in the Arena.
  • There will be total 40 levels of opponents in Arena Season 3, and the battle points for each level is changed.
  • Exchange item list for Arena Voucher has been changed.
  • The 1st ~ 3rd rank Tamers of Arena Season 2 will have their duplicate image on the podium during Season 3.

※ Podium will be updated along with the message of winners and applied after the maintenance in 31st Jul 2018.


#01. There's Something Behind You… Like in the Horror Movies

- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 31st Jul 2018


 1) Horrifying Digimons will appear in certain areas during event.

 2) You can obtain crafting material items from the horrifying Digimons.
 3) Material items can be used for crafting items.


#02. Cooling Off the Summer Heat with Ice

- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 31st Jul 2018

[Making Snowflakes with Ice]

 1) Ice and fruits (event item) drop from evil Digimons everywhere (except Yokohama and Western Village) during the event.
 2) You can exchange the event items to 4 types of "Snowflakes" through Yukidarumon in DATS Center.

#03. Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow!

- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 14th Aug 2018

[Experience is Power]

 1) The maximum EXP available by single Growth Factor is increased from 30,000 to 60,000 during the event.


#04. Summer Vacation EXP Boost

- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 14th Aug 2018

[Boost your level during the summer vacation and enjoy!]

  1. 300% EXP boost will be active all day during the event.
  2. The standard burning time 500% EXP boost will proceed as always.
  3. Summer Vacation 700% EXP Boost will be activated on the following times.

Monday ~ Thursday - 09:00~11:00, 14:00~16:00

Friday ~ Sunday - 09:00~11:00, 14:00~16:00. 21:00~24:00

※ Time Standard: GMT +9

# 05. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!

- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited

[About the Attendance Check]

 - You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
 - Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
 - When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and you'll restart from the first.
 - Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
 - The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

# 06. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!

- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ 30th Jul 2018

- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days, or they'll be expired.

- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea

- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea

- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.

# 07. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!

- Burning time will be applied 2 times a day to boost your EXP gaining!
- Period: Unlimited

(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).

※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with the normal EXP boost.


# 01. Summer Fireworks Festival

- Box of Fireworks (Buff) will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 31st Jul 2018

- Fireworks (Attack +50%) 7ea
- Fountain Fireworks (Defense +50%) 7ea
- Butterfly Fireworks (Max HP +50%) 7ea
- Top Fireworks (Max DS +50%) 7ea
- Note Fireworks (Skill Damage +100%) 7ea
※ Buff effect duration is 1 hour.

# 02. Tamers from the Beach

- Swimsuit (Red) [30 Days] will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 14th Aug 2018

# 03. Seal Master Renewal Celebration Package

- Seal Master Package [Special] will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 31st Jul 2018

- Seal Opener 200ea
- Seal Closer 200ea
- Seal Exchange Ticket [Event] 1,000ea

# 04. Become a Mercenary Manager!

- Mercenary Manager Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 17th Jul 2018 ~ before maintenance of 14th Aug 2018

- Mercenary Slot Expansion 1ea
- Digimon Archive Expansion +1 7ea
- Growth Factor (30 Days) 1ea

comments 35


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  • Kazuya0997[07-20-2018 08:53]

    read my Q&A pls i buying crowns and isn't charged in my account

  • twilight1818[07-20-2018 06:51]

    Hey everyone check out my digimon masters HIT Seals video https://youtu.be/a-wsFtXENdc

  • HolyAioroz[07-20-2018 06:48]

    Un evento espantoso salen una vez cada mil años los digimos y son muy dificiles de matar y luego de hacerlo te das cuenta que te dan de a 5 items y tenes que juntar de 300 para sacar algo bueno -.-

  • huguinhoferreira[07-20-2018 06:29]

    Gameking pls make Mimi great again! Give her the 2.30m cooldown

  • estoesbroma[07-19-2018 13:25]

    Sorry but, Colesseum Stadium is bug since this morning.

  • twilight1818[07-19-2018 07:50]

    Check out my digimon masters seal videos https://youtu.be/Apa4_jQK4KQ

  • twilight1818[07-19-2018 07:48]

    Hey everyone check out my Digimon masters videos https://youtu.be/Ff4ZfHUcTjs

  • Inheartable[07-19-2018 01:07]

    idk if you intentionally do this. "PEOPLE USE SKIN AGAIN LIKE THE OLD TIME" there no need software or injector now, you can just open the launcher and start using skin. you "LEGALIZE" it now?

  • thariqmc[07-19-2018 00:02]

    Why Q & A not respon

  • darkalods[07-18-2018 16:40]

    Ninguém fala aonde estão os Digimons horripilantes são todos mercenários por isso o Brasil tá assim por esse tipo de gente

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