Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings to all our Tamers! First of all, we would like to say our thanks to all of you who had participated and voted for Digimon Masters to become “Number One” in 3 Categories of the MMOSite’s 2011 Reader’s Choice Award.
As a sign of deep appreciation, we, the GM’s of Digimon Masters, have prepared a “Special 500% EXP Event” for all of our players to enjoy!
We also know that our players are from different time zones, so we have prepared an event schedule that all of our players could experience and enjoy in this special event.
[500% EXP Schedule]
Date and Time of the Event:
January 20, 2012
01:00 ~ 03:00 Joymax Standard Time
08:00 ~ 10:00 Joymax Standard Time
20:00 ~ 22:00 Joymax Standard Time
January 21, 2012
01:00 ~ 03:00 Joymax Standard Time
08:00 ~ 10:00 Joymax Standard Time
20:00 ~ 22:00 Joymax Standard Time
January 22, 2012
01:00 ~ 03:00 Joymax Standard Time
08:00 ~ 10:00 Joymax Standard Time
20:00 ~ 22:00 Joymax Standard Time
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Add CommentI''m glad Joymax, digimon master hosted a confirmation of not 100% but its a 500% Disconnected event.
cuz more people play on leviamon?
Calm Down everybody, i know we are dissapointed. But it sure a very hard job when everybody log in at the same time for sever Levia, joymax didn''t anticipated it. I hope they prepare it well next tim
e_e they are worse then IGG and i didn''t even think that was possible... If they can give 1 server 500% then y on earth can''t they have 2?
that would be to much for them xD. they should let it stay at 100% so we can play atleast
they need 2 just give us 3-4 months of 200% if they can''t even manage 300% 4 more then 30 minutes...
its just funny they reduce the extra exp and the server still got down... and what about lucemon ? they play the whole time with 500% just funny
im still crashing :( also I read that more people didnt get the items form not logging in forsince december 2011. I also didnt get those :( to bad. Hope this will be fixed soon!
If this trash keeps up I will never buy silk or Psilk again. What is the point in spending money on a game that can''t even do what they say their going to do.
did it just crash at only 300% e_e