#01. ”Seal master system” renewal celebration
- DE buff effect is changed to AT.
- Please check more details in our Patch Note.
- Event period : Apr 26 (After maintenance) ~ May 10 (Before maintenance), 2016
- Event description : Challenge to Seal master during event period.
Tamers who did it with any other Digimon can obtain Digiegg as a reward.
- Event reward :
■ Tamer who newly achieve 15 or more than 15 Seal master(s) : Jogress Random Digiegg Lv5
■ Tamer who newly achieve 10 or more than 10 Seal master(s) : Random Digiegg Lv5
■ Tamer who newly achieve 5 or more than 5 Seal master(s) : Random Digiegg Lv4-5
■ Tamer who already has 5 or more than 5 Seal master(s) : Random Digiegg Lv3-4 x 2ea
■ Each grade of certain Digimon's seal master must be Master Grade(Collect 3000 ea).
- Event reward will be provided on May 10, 2016 (After maintenance)
※ Please Note!
- This event is for tamers who achieve Seal master(s) during event period.
- Tamers who already has 5 or more than 5 Seal master(s) receive a reward,
and only can obtain other reward with newly achieved Seal master(s)
#02. For tamers who become more powerful rapidly
While event period, the drop rate for Seal item is increased. Do not miss this chance to
get more power with seal item!
- Drop rate 100% is increased (Compare to previous one, it’s “Double”)
- Drop rate is set automatically during Event period.
#03. New Spirit Digimon ‘Lowemon’ update celebration
- Let’s obtain both Lowemon and achievement!
■ If tamers obtain Lowemon, ‘Obtain Lowemon!’ achievement is completed and able to get
‘Spirit of Darkness! Lowemon’ title.
■ Achievement buff effect : Damage for skill of darkness attribute by 5%
- ‘Spirit of Shining Darkness H’ ranking event!!
■ Tamers who grow Lowemon up will get Crown reward based on how fast does tamer achieve
the indicated goal. Ranking is calculated separately for each server.
■ How to join :
◆ Hatch & Level up Lowemon till Lv99.
◆ Exchange the Lowemon with ‘Spirit of Shining Darkness H’ through NPC Bokomon.
> The tamer is automatically participated
■ Event reward :
- Event reward will be provided on May 13, 2016
※ Please Note!
- This event is only for GameKing members, and Aeria games member can’t join it
- The Digimon which is used for the exchange (with Spirit of shining) can’t be retrieved.
- Provided reward(Crown) is only available for 3 months.
#04. Nefertimon riding mode update
- Nefertimon riding mode can be opened with “ModeSelector” x3.
- "ModeSelector" is buyable in Cash shop.
#05. Invite friends event! Let’ play Digimon Masters Online
with friends!
- Event period : Apr 26 (After maintenance) ~ May 10 (Before maintenance), 2016
- Event summery : Both new & existing tamer obtain rewards when new tamer reaches certain level
after recommend existing tamer.
- How to join this event :
◆Click “Friend Recommend” icon of Botton right side
◆While event period, “Friend Recommend” window shows up when tamer level is lower than 6.
(Can’t proceed “Friend Recommend ” when tamer level is higher than 5)
◆ When a someone accepts new tamer’s recommend, event window is created, and event reward
is provided depends on new tamer’s level.
◆The new tamer also get “Friend Recommend” from another new tamer when reached level 20.
■ Event reward
※ Please Note!
- Tamer which is higher than level 20 only accepts “Friend Recommend”
- Existing tamer can accept “Friend Recommend” maximum 3 times.
- Tamer can’t aceept “Friend Recommend” while in a battle, away from keyboard, move to another map.
- < Change tamer name> item is impossible to use for tamer who accepts .
( item will be in available after the event is finished.)
#06. Respond tamers! Return to Digimon Masters!
(Comeback Tamer Event)
- Event period: Apr 26 (After maintenance) ~ May 10 (Before maintenance), 2016
- This event is only for tamers who didn’t login while Oct 27, 2015 ~ Apr 26(Before maintenance), 2016.
※ Please Note!
- Event items are provided into Cash Warehouse.
- Event items are not both tradable & exchangeable.
- Event items are provided only once for each account.
#07. Wecome Friends, connection rewards event
- Event period: Apr 26 (After maintenance) ~ May 10 (Before maintenance), 2016
- Event description: Tamers can obtain below reward rely on how long time is connected
with Digimon Masters Online. Let’s enjoy with friends
#08. Tamer Level Up!! Up!! Event
(Auto-Added to inventory when it’s obtained)
- Event period: Apr 26 (After maintenance) ~ May 10 (Before maintenance), 2016
※ Please Note!
- LVup gift chest is provided into Gift & Reward item storage as soon as tamers reach the listed level.
- Event item is not both tradable & exchangeable.
- Gift chest is provided only once for each account.
- New tamers which is created while event period only enjoy this event.
#09. Thanks to you
We have prepared some gift for tamers who uses Digimon Masters consistently.
※ Please Note!
- Connection records are counted based on Mar 5 ~ Apr 26, 2016
- Event items are provided into Cash Warehouse.
- Event items are provided only once for each account.
- Event itmes are not tradable.
#10. Twelve heavenly generals achievement!
Let’s together with Indramon in May!
When tamers complete of ,
can obtain title.
※ Twelve heavenly general achievement for April was finished. All items related
to this event has been removed.
#11. Level your tamers up with burning server
This 4 weeks never come again!! Tamers who exhausted by level up, increase your level with burning server!
- Date for burning server: Apr 26 (Tue) after maintenance ~ May 10, 2016 (Tue) before maintenance
- Weekday : 200% Additional EXP
- Weekend(Sat, Sun) : 300% Additional EXP
- Mother’s Day (5/8) : 500% Additional EXP
- Additional EXPs are applied automatically for all servers while event period.
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