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FINISHEDYou and I, Together as one!

Greetings Tamers!

Love is in the Air, it is a celebration of love and friendship and here at Digimon Masters, the love month will be celebrated with flowers and chocolates.

Event Period:January 27 to February 24, 2015


1. 1 GM will announce in-game that the event is about to start.

2. Two GM’s will then go to two different locations.

3. Each GM will then shout their location via Megaphone wherein players must go and find the GM.

4. Each GM will then give out an item to the first 10 players who can make trade with him/her

    GM1: Will give “Fragrant Flower

    GM2: Will give “Piece of Chocolate

5. Players who traded with the GM must find a partner and form a party via Megaphone or Shout chat.


   Player1 who traded with GM1 + Player2 who traded with GM2 = Party

6. After finding a partner (From the players who traded with the other GM) one of them must shout via megaphone

   Examples shout:

   GM Me and PlayerX have found each other.

7. One of the GM will then whisper them and ask them to go to a certain map for the second and final stage of the event.

8. Upon arriving on the place GM will then ask them to choose between Cherubimon and Diablomon and the GM will also be asking to join on the party.


- 2 Boss Monsters will be summoned and the GM will assist the player to kill the monster

- In an event that two eggs (Mysterious Magic Egg and Mysterious Top Quality Egg) had dropped, Mysterious Magic Egg will be honored and the reward will correspond to the egg that the partners have obtained from the card monster.

- In the event that there is none of the two required egg has been dropped a consolation reward shall be given to the 2 players on that particular party.

9. After all of the players have been rewarded, a notice will be announced together with the winners of the event.

Event Rewards:

Mysterious Magic Egg:

·         1x Capsule Digi-Egg of their choice (Individual choice)


·         Digi-egg of Sincerity

·         Digi-egg of Knowledge

·         Digi-egg of kindness

·         Digi-egg of Reliability

·         Digi-egg of Friendship

·         5x High-ranked Megaphone

·         5x 1000% exp. booster

Mysterious Top Quality Egg:

·         Mystery Reinforced Mercenary Digiegg Level 4

·         5x High-ranked Megaphone

Consolation Prize:

·         5x 1000% Exp. Booster

·         2x High-ranked Megaphone

Prize Provision:

·         After every event execution

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