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FINISHEDWinners of New Digimon event

Greetings Tamers,

Here are the winners of the New Digimon Event (Guilmon and Candlemon), Congratulations to all the winners.

Winners List:

 Ranking Category:

Guilmon LV rank 1~3
Rank Server Tamer
1 Leviamon Atecom                          
2 Leviamon Taychi                          
3 Leviamon Grandalf                        
1 Lucemon Silmeria                        
2 Lucemon SeanZero                        
3 Lucemon AquaxMarine                     
1 Lilithmon Sora                            
2 Lilithmon D2D                             
3 Lilithmon kikiney84                       
Candlemon LV rank 1~3
Rank Server Tamer
1 Leviamon oWpA                            
2 Leviamon sonyadhan                       
3 Leviamon Aoyamada                        
1 Lucemon PowerDrunk                      
2 Lucemon JeffBR                          
3 Lucemon ProfElias                       
1 Lilithmon Sora                            
2 Lilithmon D2D                             
3 Lilithmon Keikoru                         


Rank 1:

top tamer achievement x 1
Betamon reinforced digiEgg x 1
Evoluter x 10
Mystery Reinforced DigiEgg x 3

Rank 2:

Mystery Reinforced DigiEgg x 2
Evoluter x 5

Rank 3:

Mystery Reinforced DigiEgg x 1
Evoluter x 2

Level Up to 65 Category:


Users who has 65LV or higher lv guilmon(all server)
Server Tamer
Leviamon JuanSousa                       
Leviamon SaiTo                           
Leviamon HungN                           
Leviamon SystyNyne                       
Leviamon skykiller                       
Lilithmon Ashley2012                      
Lilithmon Xenofire                        
Lilithmon BobyWang                        
Lilithmon Laey                            
Lilithmon UtuhLumbih                      
Lucemon Arciel                          
Lucemon Kitz                            
Lucemon BakaOuji                        
Lucemon Xza                             
Lucemon Jilany                          
Users who has 65LV or higher lv candlemon(all server)
Server Tamer
Leviamon omegaxross                      
Leviamon sayumi7dark                     
Leviamon Jembutiblis                     
Leviamon Shibar                          
Leviamon WasGucksDu                      
Lilithmon FcZAndreas                      
Lilithmon Mau                             
Lilithmon FcZTakuyaMar                    
Lilithmon KamikazeX                       
Lilithmon gegeblegan                      
Lucemon Cazashi                         
Lucemon Louiser                         
Lucemon blackwolf659                    
Lucemon Stonebiter                      
Lucemon Dmei                            


Mystery Reinforced DigiEgg x 1


Prizes will be provided after server inspection (April 24, 2012)

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