FINISHEDWinners of Mega Partner Screenshot Event!
Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Mega Partner Screenshot Event", congratulations to all of the winners.
Prize: Mystery reinforced DigiEgg (1x)
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nick Name | Partner Digimon |
Wolfira | JetPackWolf |
JothaKun | DJTh3Man |
Shopers | AguXoe |
TwiddleDee17 | xXvIIx |
nyiex | BURUNGDEWA |
creativety0 | Abiao |
daisuke07 | hanzo |
zehir31312 | RAVEMON |
Taka1223 | Chronicle |
bucarkimin | Agumon |
Dendran | KaaN |
IamUrbody | EuphoriA |
dogiyyy | Dragamon |
Blake98 | BLAZE |
LiitLiit | BraveHeart |
Verxial | Bahamut |
IoriYagami99 | Kasumi |
bolangs | MyHero |
ZioBee | Zion |
GOLDthunderstyle | animation |
Pipenho | Dino |
ndoeee | AnakMedan |
AmoeStory | Halona |
loryca | liliace |
DarkGuay | RaveFlow |
pepegutty | GaoxDrey |
JulitoStifler | Shenlong |
JeriNeneri | Ingham |
DemOnKSs | RavenX |
heavybullets | VaruS |
conderic18 | Igneel |
JavieerPeolaa | Pichon |
Aksheed | Agu |
weijhonn | aGUmOn |
Razarx | ShadowCross |
BlazingVolt646 | Haku |
GaoHazard | Prometheus |
fandy12 | Kurokoci |
EmultionZz | JuniorZ |
BitVulpes | Apastron |
RinHikaru | AgumonX |
BrawlerZackz | GreyX |
Infinitual | Sazh |
ShadowMaster000 | FireX |
gendonez | Gololo |
MyFutureDreams | ExAgumon |
EliteWarriors | LazyBird |
xxSpeckixx | Wings |
lawlli | Raven |
pearl67 | Falco |
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Add Commenthello tamers, G.M''s can any one tell me if dual digimon is possible? i already had elecmon in my warehows and i got from "Mega Partner Screenshot Event" also elecmon both 4/5 plz answer :)
mais vai da evoluter
how funny. even they did''nt follow the direction to post the heading "New Server Event" they still won. lol. this is crazy. fail DMO. very disappointed.
OMG !!!!! RANDOM ?????? IM NUMBER 20th POST ..... aaaaaaaaaaargh
I think the winner is determined from the best act when we Screen Shoot, not from first 50 post... so many of the top 50 who did not win because they Screen Shoot...
yeah me too
yeah me too
yeah me too
why server is going down? i can''t palying...
it''s drawn, not who-the-first