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FINISHEDWinners of festival event of March (Guild)

Greetings to all Tamers,

Here are the winners on festival event of March (digital world festival for guild), Congratulations to all the winners.

Winners List:


Guild Tamer Crystal(s)
Rebellion                                        Toboe                            4
Rebellion                                        Lordbahamut                      8
Rebellion                                        Caspian                          1
Rebellion                                        Darkus                           2
Rebellion                                        dandauberman                     2
Rebellion                                        Parad0X                          3
Rebellion                                        thomas777                        6
Rebellion                                        Rev463                           2
Rebellion                                        Mseadramon                       2
Rebellion                                        DanijelMotto                     1
Rebellion                                        D1g1PoW3r                        5
Rebellion                                        BlackBlitz                       3
Rebellion                                        XiaoXiang                        1
Rebellion                                        shadowlee                        1
Rebellion                                        Reimu                            2
Rebellion                                        TamerJason                       3
Rebellion                                        HuorTheOld                       1
Rebellion                                        Arthur                           3
Rebellion                                        Taiga                            9
Rebellion                                        APAxFARMER                       1
Rebellion                                        br3ndy                           2
Rebellion                                        WereKat                          2
Rebellion                                        lItachil                         3
Rebellion                                        Tortorious                       6
Rebellion                                        nienor73                         4
Rebellion                                        Tenkista                         3
Rebellion                                        TeoXBlaxcky                      1
Rebellion                                        RubyMoon                         3
Rebellion                                        Azmeer                           1
Rebellion                                        Katarina                         1
Rebellion                                        ToRNaRdO                         1
Rebellion                                        unnamed324                       1
Rebellion                                        Naexus                           5
Rebellion                                        SasukeXx                         1
Rebellion                                        Vanier                           2
Rebellion                                        PrinceLink                       3
Rebellion                                        CoMiCsZ                          1
Rebellion                                        Sohee                            1
Guild Tamer Crystal(s)
BigBoing                                         Ministerre                       3
BigBoing                                         Aizawa                           5
BigBoing                                         SeanZero                         4
BigBoing                                         Lifestream                       5
BigBoing                                         Aoba                             3
BigBoing                                         abbytampan                       3
BigBoing                                         LyonBastia                       4
BigBoing                                         Koutens                          2
BigBoing                                         Etapisan                         5
BigBoing                                         DebraMorgan                      6
BigBoing                                         Undine                           4
BigBoing                                         Yoshimura                        1
BigBoing                                         Jogermen                         1
BigBoing                                         AraNeLieL                        5
BigBoing                                         Aira                             3
BigBoing                                         Richatd                          2
BigBoing                                         sugoro                           1
BigBoing                                         okok                             7
BigBoing                                         Sanosuke                         6
BigBoing                                         r1n4ldy                          1
BigBoing                                         Groundx                          1
BigBoing                                         Kouz                             8
BigBoing                                         haQqi17                          3
BigBoing                                         Xrshiine                         1
BigBoing                                         ParkBinWoo                       1
BigBoing                                         Natsumiya                        6
BigBoing                                         Nehelenia                        2
BigBoing                                         ravex8                           2
BigBoing                                         LordvAnessa                      3
BigBoing                                         Laopan                           2
BigBoing                                         sHaNz                            5
BigBoing                                         PrioLicious                      3
BigBoing                                         Vey                              1
BigBoing                                         GranziL                          1
BigBoing                                         KUN                              2
BigBoing                                         Eldrainz                         2
BigBoing                                         Klarinet                         6
BigBoing                                         Freyjadour                       5
BigBoing                                         Syami                            7
BigBoing                                         Raysh                            1
BigBoing                                         CloveDover                       3
BigBoing                                         TakeshiHanzo                     4
BigBoing                                         JmbutBerasap                     3
BigBoing                                         Kepo                             6
Guild Tamer Crystal(s)
IndSomnia                                        SiwaX                            2
IndSomnia                                        GerrardWay                       5
IndSomnia                                        niwde                            5
IndSomnia                                        Sora                             10
IndSomnia                                        Wail                             3
IndSomnia                                        kikiney84                        10
IndSomnia                                        QueenCath                        3
IndSomnia                                        Yusuke                           3
IndSomnia                                        Avika                            8
IndSomnia                                        Serah                            3
IndSomnia                                        fauzie                           6
IndSomnia                                        EliteFighter                     3
IndSomnia                                        maretsu                          3
IndSomnia                                        mamentozz                        1
IndSomnia                                        ChoiSooYoung                     1
IndSomnia                                        ImperialEx                       4
IndSomnia                                        Adori                            2
IndSomnia                                        TueloInsane                      3
IndSomnia                                        Miko                             1
IndSomnia                                        Casaanova                        4
IndSomnia                                        DjTh3Man                         3
IndSomnia                                        prastall                         4
IndSomnia                                        sakuratlv                        3
IndSomnia                                        Shippuden                        2
IndSomnia                                        Legend205                        1
IndSomnia                                        RookiE                           6
IndSomnia                                        Ark                              1
IndSomnia                                        D2D                              10
IndSomnia                                        ArLaN                            1
IndSomnia                                        Jenova                           6
IndSomnia                                        Idiot                            4
IndSomnia                                        Fire                             2
IndSomnia                                        Koushiro                         1
IndSomnia                                        aditya                           1
IndSomnia                                        AB2631VK                         3
IndSomnia                                        Marcussan                        5
IndSomnia                                        Momotaros                        2
IndSomnia                                        SkyWalkers                       6
IndSomnia                                        yofangka                         4
IndSomnia                                        Maasaru                          3
IndSomnia                                        Surya                            3
IndSomnia                                        BobyWang                         5
IndSomnia                                        AsRshadow                        3
IndSomnia                                        Conanian                         3
IndSomnia                                        langgal                          1
IndSomnia                                        LaknatBoy                        1
IndSomnia                                        LordDenny                        1
IndSomnia                                        Rainfall                         1


Prizes will be provided after server inspection (April 24, 2012)

comments 18


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  • Reasell[04-25-2012 18:18]

    For Lilithmon winner figured, they''re botter guild :D

  • Hottiemon[04-25-2012 04:24]

    Subjectively: I''m jealous we didn''t get 1st place. Objectively: BigBoing botted their way to the win. And this is not trolling this is by viewing videos and seeing you guys bot in game.Enough said.

  • CrimsonGallantmon[04-25-2012 00:22]

    Granted i also didnt know they botted as well. I guess this leaves me with less respect for their efforts.

  • CrimsonGallantmon[04-25-2012 00:21]

    Without understanding why you lost amounts to childish understanding of what is going on.To not see how flawed this event was is rather ignorant.I doubt ANY guild below top 5 had ANY chance of winning

  • Reseme[04-24-2012 20:15]

    Well considering the fact that BigBoing has a how to bot guide on their F.B page is proof enough that at least SOME of them bot. Personally I can care less who won.

  • farizbh[04-24-2012 18:45]

    accept defeat with a warrior spirit... please be mature.. you are like a child

  • farizbh[04-24-2012 18:45]

    bogboing lost almost 80K++ GP to replace old non active member u can check every member of bigboing tamer lv its increase incredibly fast coz of hunting better you try hard next time to win those even

  • farizbh[04-24-2012 18:44]

    u want to win those event guild so much bro? if you want to win try harder and harder not spreading bad issue as u know big boing almost replace all non active member with new active member

  • ompusunggu[04-24-2012 18:35]

    You dont know about fact and comment like that??.. ohh please.. so childish.. or you''re a spy on big boing group??.. oohh yeahh.. its a new habit right?..

  • ompusunggu[04-24-2012 18:31]

    reseme its totaly jealous of Big Boing success .. ckckck .. admit defeat when it''s well.. Best Guild always be the best guild.. any comments from other jealous peple?

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