FINISHEDItem Discount Event
Digimon is on sale!
Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings Tamers! Here is your chance to get that Digimon you’ve always wanted at a “DISCOUNTED PRICE”. We would like to announce that “Selected Items” in our Cash Shop is now on SALE!
Sale Period: February 21 ~ 28, 2012 (1 Week)
(1) Kiwimon 50% Discount 70silk -> 35silk (50%↓)
(2) Hawkmon 50% Discount 70silk -> 35silk (50%↓)
(3) DemiMeramon 50% Discount 70silk -> 35silk (50%↓)
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Add Commentplease joymax im beging u goze to give everybody 4 free evoluters or either and event for some freee evoluters and please make the event easy
What''s the price of 5/5 impmon in the cash shop?
excuse me G.M ,im sorry, this three digimon is not worth to buy (Demi Mega= LongCooldown, Kiwi Mega = very small damage skill), next event discount, Tento? Goma? Veedra? not worth to buy
These digimons don''t have BurstMode or second line evolution :( not worth to buy...
Nice event but This game should give out 3 evoluter free for everybody in the DMO
When will Armageddemon be released? I hope it''ll be Keramon''s burst mode.
Thanks for this and the monster cards :D You guys should add Guilmon and Craniamon soon.
Thanks Alot...!!!