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FINISHEDWinners of Digimon is on Sale Event!

Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings! Heroes of the Digital World.
Congratulations to the winners of 'Digimon is on Sale Event'
Here is the list of winners:

1. 40 Tamers in each server (Total of 80 Tamers) who purchased the discounted DigiEggs (Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon) selected winners.

Prize: Digimon Archive Expansion

2. Tamers who succeeded in getting a 5/5 Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon winners.

Prize : DemiDevimon[Bakemon] Mercenary Egg


* Notice

- Prize will be provided on February 7, 2012 during weekly server inspection

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  • batzis[02-10-2012 21:45]


  • FelipeDeJesus21[02-07-2012 18:20]

    Nice! I won!! :D

  • popogatinho1[02-06-2012 09:05]


  • HolymonOoi[02-06-2012 02:29]

    I won!Maybe I buy too much eggs. xD

  • amarzikri2[02-05-2012 15:35]

    i olso cannot open lucemon server

  • cecunguk69[02-05-2012 13:45]

    G M i can not open server lucemon, my acc can not in there

  • TheDigiBoss[02-04-2012 08:49]

    Woooo First event i ever won in my life.. So is the Egg like a normal DemiDevimon[Bakemon] or is it like a Random 3/5~5/5 egg????

  • firemau[02-02-2012 22:00]


  • FaustxEnVII[02-02-2012 20:20]

    lol i won either

  • Suicidle[02-02-2012 15:12]

    how do they pick the winners? by puttin all names in a box and drawinig lol..i bought 15 of each digimon on sale and still didn''t win w.t.f ^^

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