Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings! Heroes of the Digital World.
Congratulations to the winners of 'Digimon is on Sale Event'
Here is the list of winners:
1. 40 Tamers in each server (Total of 80 Tamers) who purchased the discounted DigiEggs (Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon) selected winners.
Prize: Digimon Archive Expansion
2. Tamers who succeeded in getting a 5/5 Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon winners.
Prize : DemiDevimon[Bakemon] Mercenary Egg
* Notice
- Prize will be provided on February 7, 2012 during weekly server inspection
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Nice! I won!! :D
I won!Maybe I buy too much eggs. xD
i olso cannot open lucemon server
G M i can not open server lucemon, my acc can not in there
Woooo First event i ever won in my life.. So is the Egg like a normal DemiDevimon[Bakemon] or is it like a Random 3/5~5/5 egg????
lol i won either
how do they pick the winners? by puttin all names in a box and drawinig lol..i bought 15 of each digimon on sale and still didn''t win w.t.f ^^