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Botter at Chrysalimon Seal Farm. (Name: TRABMoreno) Server (Omegamon) (Channel 1)
I'm seeing something weird from this guy, firstly he act like he doesn't there (Like when i WM him, he doesnt respond or just not respond anything)
Second, he doesn't move like normally player did, he just stand in the same location again and again, even if he lotting the Seal, he will be back to the Same place (Regarding to the Videos i had seen in Youtube, about 'How to Bot DMO' the player use to save their spot, so everytime they move to somewhere, they will be back to the Ordinary Spot he has Save from the Bot 'Set'.
And the Most ridiculous is, his 'Left' Click to hit the Monster is as fast as 'Chainsaw' Machine. I've trying even with my full effort to click, i never did even one time. why is that ? Because i use to fight in Island Water Front Spot Leveling Area, i can effort atleast to get the monster from other player who use to bothering me. but him, his Speed is Ridiculous.

I Hope you check this player that i 'Claim' he is Botter. its doesnt fun to play with Ghost, you know what i mean ?

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