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thief in Barbamon
Help please, a man named ossama11,
 theft 13,5t me offering me omegablade,
 which gave me told me that tapeworm in another account,
 he showed me and if I had one,
 but I asked if I could give you the money in your account ossama11,
 and then gave him the money but in the end did not give me  omegablade and
 try to talk and answers me,
 also others have told me about it and that
 is a robber , please gameking ,
 you have something that is not fair
 I take it as 2months collect that money,
 spending many hours not be able to recover, and 
I sent 2 recivo complaints and no answer, please,
 I ask a little cooperation .

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  • raiken19000[06-26-2016 00:10]

    were wondering, and I showed , but in your other account and in the end gave it to me .

  • delta389[06-25-2016 21:14]

    Why didnt you ask to see the item first?

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