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FINISHEDDigimon Arena Season 2


# 01. Digimon Arena Season 2
Ranking System and Difficulty Level are updated on Digimon Arena's 2nd Season.

◆ Difficulty Level Update

- Digimon Arena Common Mode battle increased to level 30.
- The max HP of opponents of level 12 ~ 20 have been decreased.
- The opponents from level 21 to 30 will gradually be stronger.
- Battle Point obtained from level 21 to 30 will gradually be increased.

◆ Hero Mode Update and Improvements

- Hero Mode has been added to Digimon Arena.
- You can start Hero Mode through Mary located in upper-left corner of 
  Colosseum Stadium.
- Hero Mode has much higher difficulty than Common Mode, and you can obtain more Battle Points.
- Once you start the battle, you cannot change Common Mode or Hero Mode to another.
- As Hero Mode has been updated, party admission in Digimon Arena is enabled.
- Only party leader is able to start or finish the battle in Digimon Arena.

◆ Ranking System

- Ranking System has been updated in Digimon Arena.
- As the Ranking System is applied, the Weekly Ranking / Monthly Ranking / Seasonal Ranking and 
  Hall of Fame is activated.
- When you invest the Battle Points, you can obtain daily reward and will be registered in 
  Weekly Ranking / Monthly Ranking / Seasonal Ranking.
- The ranks will be refreshed periodically and you can check rank, guild, tamer name, 
  changes, current rank reward.
- When there are tamers with same amount of Battle Points, the first one to invest the 
  Points will be in the lead of rank.
- When the Ranking is refreshed, you can also check last week, last month, 
  and last season's ranking.

1) Weekly Ranking

- You can receive [Weekly] Arena Vouchers regarding to your rank of Weekly Ranking. 
  Arena Vouchers can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
- Weekly Ranking expires every Monday, and will be refreshed at 14:00 of every Tuesday.

[Weekly Arena Voucher List]

- Weekly Ranking 1st Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 100ea
- Weekly Ranking 2nd Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 90ea
- Weekly Ranking 3rd Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 85ea
- Weekly Ranking 4th ~ 5th Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 80ea
- Weekly Ranking 6th ~ 10th Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 75ea
- Weekly Ranking 11th ~ 10% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 50ea
- Weekly Ranking 10% ~ 20% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 40ea
- Weekly Ranking 20% ~ 30% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 30ea
- Weekly Ranking 30% ~ 40% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 15ea
- Weekly Ranking 40% ~ 50% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 10ea
- Weekly Ranking 50% ~ 60% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 7ea
- Weekly Ranking 60% ~ 70% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 5ea
- Weekly Ranking 70% ~ 80% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 3ea
- Weekly Ranking 80% ~ 90% Rank / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 2ea
- Weekly Ranking 90% ~ 100% / [Weekly] Arena Voucher 1ea

2) Monthly Ranking

- You can receive [Monthly] Arena Vouchers regarding to your rank of Monthly Ranking. 
  Arena Vouchers can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
- Monthly Ranking expires at every last day of month, and will be refreshed at 14:00 of 
  every first day of month.

3) Season Ranking

- You can receive [Seasonal] Arena Vouchers regarding to your rank of Seasonal Ranking. 
  Arena Vouchers can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
- Seasonal Ranking expires at every last day of Season, and will be refreshed at 14:00 of 
  day next month.

4) Hall of Fame

- Top rank tamers at every end of Season will be recorded in Hall of Fame.
- The tamer name and guild name recorded in Hall of Fame will not be changed.
- The top rank tamers in Hall of Fame will have their duplicate image on the podium in DATS Center 
  until the beginning of next Season.

※ Starting and ending of each Ranking can be changed regarding to the service conditions.
※ Bascially, the rewards of Digimon Arena are character bound, but there are exceptions for 
   some of the quantity.


# 01. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited

[About the Attendance Check]

 - You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
 - Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
 - When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and 
   you'll restart from the first.
 - Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
 - The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

# 02. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!

Period: After maintenance of 27th Mar 2018 ~ before maintenance of 10th Apr 2018

- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days, 
  or they'll be expired.

- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea,
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea,
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea,
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea

- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea

- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.

# 03. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!

- Burning time will be applied 2 times a day to boost your EXP gaining!
- Period: Unlimited

(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).

※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with the 
  normal EXP boost.

comments 56


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  • zackroom[04-23-2018 11:45]

    hey gameking i always dc in arena hero room 9 untill 14 so fucking embarassing u know i have coin higher than dc fk u gameking fix tha

  • domo45[04-17-2018 19:25]

    Hi gameking i didn˙t get crowns Tamer: JBPovrca Server: Lilithmon

  • lordnaimon[04-09-2018 03:12]

    Bueno por mi parte estoy bien con todo pero por qe se me bugea cuando entro al coliseo arreglen eso porfa.

  • Yegod[04-07-2018 02:06]

    Why suddenly stopping Malaysia server to play?

  • llAdagasll[04-04-2018 11:41]

    Hi Gameking Where's my crown i just received 10c! Tamer: Adagas Server: Lucemon

  • dragaexmachina[04-04-2018 09:16]

    i have the same problem, after the week reset i invested the points and somehow on the weekly rank it shows that i didnt do anything, yet i keep doing it every day and still getting the daily rewards

  • gaaraYGOO[04-04-2018 03:23]

    Hello GameKing, can you tell me Please why points are not added this week for me ?either from todays arena or from yesterday's (after weekly reset) ? I should have total of 80 arena points invested

  • Danyal0[04-02-2018 19:25]

    Great Update GameKing! You are actually making the game more attentive and easy way better than before. Nice Work! Please decrease 12 - 20 raid hp which not decreased in my experience. Thank you!

  • dorumon01[04-02-2018 06:01]

    20 = 3 baihu

  • dorumon01[04-02-2018 06:01]

    11 = marine bloso garuda 12 = megasedra sindur bird 13 = marine bloso garuda 14 = MARINE sindur pheo 15 = xuan zhuqi 16 = 3 xUAN 17 = 3zhuqi 18 = zhuqi xuan baihu 19 = ZHUQI 2 BAIHU 20 = 3 b

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