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[Notice] Hints of [Pictures From Summer Trip] Event

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We have found that most of Tamers are having trouble to proceed [Pictures From Summer Trip] Event.
Therefore, we are here to give out some hints for Tamers to participate the event.

◆ Mission: Take screenshots of a specific region with a certain level of Digimon! Post the screenshot in Screenshot board with the title containing [Summer] in front. Please write down Tamer name along with the image of the screenshot!

[Digimon Hint 1]

We are Main characters of the adventure

[Region Hint 2]

The only place in File Island region where you can ride Whamon

[Level Hint 3]

If you want to enjoy GDMO properly, you need to be at level 80, right? No, 90? Maybe more would be nice!